Payment Adult 7.5h Classes Baltimore

Thank you for sending your Form. You may finish your registration now by completing your payment.
By submitting this registration, you understand and agree to comply with the terms and policies of the French Academy DC,MD,VA LLC.

YOUR Tuition is $170.
- For group classes, you cannot pay the first day of class. To be registered you must have submitted your payment prior to start.
- Checks, money orders, Zelle (free) or online payments (3.5% fees) accepted.

After receiving your payment we will send you a confirmation email. It can take 24 hours (or 48 hours if you register during the week-end).

French Academy DC, MD, VA . LLC (administration)
5749 Governors Pond CIR
Alexandria VA 22310
Tel.: 571- 340- 6264

Our classes in Baltimore are held at:
St Luke's Church
800 W 36th Street
Baltimore, MD 21211

Tuition $170 / $175.95

* Check payments: $170. Please sent your check or money order to our office at 5749 Governors Pond Cir, Alexandria VA22310.
* Zelle payments: $170. To our phone number.
* Online payments using your credit card: $175.95. There are 3.5% processing fees added at check out. Pay here.